And again . . .

I'll be in Nassau Bahamas in two weeks. I'm excited!!! Then again I'm not sure what to expect. I need to move out of my apartment soon to save the headache of dealing with it while I'm away. I haven't met with my advisor much but that can be taken care of.

Back to the Bahamas, too many places to go so little time. Then there is Ft. Lauderdale. Too many places to go with so little time. This is going to be so awesome. This is the summer that will take my breath away. I've been praying that so much and now I'm definitely going to see things I have never seen before. I need to get an itinerary.

I gave blood today and my blood would not flow. What a waste of time. Good news. I don't think I have met anyone that does not like my hair. Let me say that another way. I get a lot of compliments. People, generally females really like it. White females, not that I have jungle fever, of course black females, Asians. Oh, I think they like me. I still need to call Kim & Anita to let them know my decision. I'm not cutting it. I'll give it a week in the Bahamas and then we'll see how I feel. I'm looking forward to conch salad, conch fritters, peas and rice. I'm looking forward to visiting the various islands, swimming with the dolphins, visiting Atlantis. I'm looking forward to Junkanoo and Independence day on July 10. Man this is too awesome.

It's here and so am I. I feel good. I need to get in shape so I can get my beach body on. HMM time to hit up the tae bo and 8 minute abs!!


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