Writing Wednesday
I have a love hate relationship with discipline and it has spilled over into various areas of my life. From prayer, to health, to my practices as an instructor to being present for my wife and son, I'm constantly sinking into the fact that I just don't want to do it right now. And that is not good enough. I must be waiting on some grand moment to shift my heart where I'll show up like a superhero everytime but that's not how it works or if it does I know its not sustainable. Writing Wednesdays is because I haven't written outside of crisis moments. I'm going on a 6 year plus of not checking in with myself or laying out my thoughts and I hate it. Actually I really hate it because I know I'm capable of so much more and I don't want to be scared to write, to truly lay out what I think to really get out everything that is bubbling up in me, to write in multiple formats for audiences. It's possible and it's do able. Greater self awareness is my goa...