Stand Your Ground

Saturday night 7/13/13 around 9:30 pm I heard the verdict of the George Zimmerman trial as I sat in Lounge of III on U st. in DC. The man was found not guilty of second degree murder. As I spoke to my friends and colleagues, which happen to be black people, I picked up on a lot of apathy. Many of whom I spoke with were upset but not surprised that Zimmerman would get off. I spoke to my girlfriend about it and her thoughts toward the injustice was that this uncovers many of the state of Florida's flawed laws. I had one friend tell me that this verdict is nothing new and that people are making quite a bit of money off this case for it to be in the media. (I don't know how warranted that premise is but from what I know about the media industry, he has a good point) To be honest, I no longer want to hear anything about this case. It seems like just when this case reached it's climax more and more stories of injustice towards black people in the legal system are coming out, sp...