To All Pissivity
Have you ever experienced something so annoying all you wanted was for it to be over. This is the way I feel about this semester; two classes in particular. It's annoyed me so much that I made sure to stock my refrigerator with enough turn up materials to ease the stress of things I don't understand. I know that last line could make me look like I try to drink my stress away, which is highly not the case but I'm so over this group of students that it doesn't make sense. I really want to identify what it is that is upsetting me so I'll use this post to bring you up to speed on the life and times of Professor Curry. Buddy buddy buddy boi. Education is a double edge sword. The students blame the teachers. The teachers blame the students. Society blames everybody but we fail to understand that personalities clash and when they do, especially in an educational setting the very environment to foster ideas, understanding, can go haywire. Let me speak from a teacher...