White Stole The Show
Breaking news last week was that Zeta Tau Alpha won the Sprite Step Off Competition receiving $100,000 to donate to scholarships for the chapter. After winning it was made public that after a scoring discrepancy between the first and second place winners has been identified the second place winners, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, would recieve the same amount. I'm blown by the controversy around it. I took some time and looked at the videos of each contestant that made it to the final round and to me it is clear why ZTA won. Those white girls stepped they tail off and represented from start to finish. Mind you, the video I linked you all to does not show full performances for the other frats but yo them chicks brought it. I don't read news stories as much as I do the comments. It is good to see those that agree with me but it's shocking how ignorant some people are. Of course the majority of the comments had to deal with race. I found a lot of comments about how stepping is ...