Another Night
Tommorrow is my first night to attend a class in PR Theory! I'm excited but I feel like I have to shine because PR is my area of study. That and plus my advisor is teaching it. I've gone through the readings and this is what I think. The first article takes a look at perspectives on PR history. I finally realized that this article is not an overview of PR history but some different views of its history. I understand that Hiebert's perspective outlines how PR is seen as a way to reinforce democracy. The safety of democracy depends on people making sound judgements and these judgements come from information which is supplied by PR efforts. I genuinely agree with this. The focus here is PR as a way to get information to the public. In a large way this is one aspect of public relations. I think this perspective describes journalism more than public relations because it does not take into account the relationship and on going communication with a specialized audience or stakehol...